Frequently asked questions

  • Right now, it's free. We're focused on gathering feedback and improving the platform before introducing paid features in the future.

  • Yes, just create an account once. A complete profile helps publicists access your info easily, improving your chances of approval.

  • Not yet, but this feature is planned. You can ask in the question field when creating an event.

  • A notes feature is in development. For now, use the approved list to email set times, etc.

  • Currently, only one email can be linked. We recommend using a shared email (e.g.

  • Account types can’t be changed yet. Email for assistance.

  • Publications must sign up and invite contributors. Contributors can’t apply unless linked to a publication.

  • No, each role requires a separate account. Use email variations (e.g., to manage both under one inbox.

  • This is on the roadmap. Eventually, publicists will be able to control pass availability per event.

  • Not yet, but this feature is planned.

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